Useful links

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Authorities, regulations, laws in Pharma, Biotech and Medtech
Swissmedic, Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut
Heilmittelgesetz (HMG) Schweiz
Verordnung Arzneimittelwerbung (AWV) Schweiz
Pharmakodex Schweiz
BAG, Bundesamt für Gesundheit
EMEA, European Medicines Agency

ICH - International Conference on Harmonisation
EFPIA (codes of practice)
FDA, US Food and Drug Administration

Pharma general
VIPS, Vereinigung Pharmafirmen

NCBI pubmed

Clinical trial registries
clin trials gov, a service from the NIH
EU clinical Trials register
MHRA scientific advisory committee (database research ISAC)




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