Frequently asked questions

Which advantages do you have if you work with
        Zenner Life Science Partner GmbH?

What is interim management?

Where do interim managers take their motivations from?

Which advantages do you have if you work with Zenner Life Science Partner GmbH?
Working with us has several advantages for you. In case of staffing shortages a time-based support can help you to overcome this shortage. Due to the highly experienced managers at Zenner Life Science Partner GmbH and its good network we have access to highly skilled specialists. The costs are narrowly controlled for budgeting and billed on a time-based system. In Interim Managment or project-assignments you do not have to bother on fixed costs that you have to cover for full-time employees.

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What is interim management?
There is no single clear definition of interim Management. Usually it means an external assignment for a certain position for a limited time (usually in higher or top management). It might serve as bridging the time to find a permanent person for the position or compensate a vacancy (for any reason) for a limited time period.
Another possibility could be to hire an external specialist for a limited time period to conduct a very specific/unique project. By this means you do not have to deal with ethical reasons (hire someone who has to be laid off soon) or financial issues (no fixed costs, expenses for social security...) that are attached to fixed permanent employment.

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Where do interim managers take their motivations from?
Interim Managers are mostly motivated intrinsically: "to drive something forward" or "challenging projects" are pivotal reasons for motivation.
(Schönfeld/Meidert/Landwehr, butterflymanager Interim Manager Studie 2010)
[Schönfeld et al., 2010]

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